(Second Attempt)
It keep asking me to connect-disconnect-reconnect the modem. I've done it like zillion times, arghhhhh!

Hurm, back to what I intend to write.
I had Gokana Teppan Gokana 2 and not-so-lemonish-Ice Lemon Tea for my dinner (effing zillion times to upload the pics, ftw ftw!!!!)

It was something like this:

But not exacty like the pic per se, what I had was Chicken Teriyaki and I had it delivered to me, not dining-in. Well you know, my eating partners (bf & uya) were out of town.All I had to do is calling the delivery service and eat with momo. (pathetic I know, huh)
*sigh* I miss u my two busuks!
I don't really like eating Japanese Food-Wannabe here (except for sushi,I am a junkie!).
They tasted the same whenever and wherever you had them. Teriyaki, Yakiniku, there are no different between them taste.
But, unlucky me, I. just.had.to.order.them. pffffffft
That's all that's all. I'm bored and I'm sleepy.
Better off to sleep now.
Please let me dream something like this, pretty please.....
McQ by Alexander McQueen Silk Geostripe Print Tunic Dress (ASOS.com)
If I can't dream of them, can I at least have them?????
**pics are credited to RANDOM GOOGLE IMAGES AND ASOS.COM**
phew, berpeluh buat entry ni, Gila Punya Server!
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