July 19, 2009

I'm a sucker for these!

Summer is one season that I love so much, with flowers blossoming everywhere, days seem brighter and birds chirping yada yada yada and on top of that I can spend on these:

Ahh, looking at them giving me ventricular fibrillation already!

*pictures were taken from forever21.com**


OMG! my room is a total mess now!

Everything from Mr Freddy's bags & shoes in their dustbags, clothing materials (5 large plastic bags! cottons, lace, chiffon, kebaya, kurung) and abundant telekung for my mum (and her order)

Plus my own laundry bags (2 full packed laundry bags , with 1 whole week dirty clothes!) and books and magazines and bags again....arghhhh!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could have Dumbledore;s magic wand right now. wtf right? T________T

Deep down, I'm worry on how I'm gonna bring back all the stuffs. waaaaaaaa B_______B

July 15, 2009

No title

Terasa bengang yang teramat sangat sebab wondershoe.com belum juga buka walaupun cakap akan membuka laman web penjualan kasut mereka pada hari ini.
Siap menukar tarikh jadi 16 Julai lagi. Wah, geram betul!.

Baiklah. Saya hendak melepaskan kegeraman pada menggosok pakaian ke hospital esok. (lebih baik geram berfaedah dari geram dengan melempar-lempar bantal ke dinding, bukan begitu?)

Ya,esok akan ku serang wondershoe.com (eh bukan secara fizikal tetapi serangan ke laman web mereka sahaja, tidak berani woooo)

Selamat tinggal semua

July 11, 2009

To Just Kulkith & Mr Freddy Vintage Clothing

Hail to u guys!

Thank you for your marvelous bags and shoes.
They are simply divine and meticulously crafted!
I heart them sooooo much!

I bought 2 bags, The Zebra Postman and Sexy Lips and also the infamous Just Kulkith Mega Purple. Awesomeness!

Do visit their page by typing Just Kulkith & Mrfreddy Vintage Clothing in Facebook ok? (hehe I didn't get the url, LOL)

P.S. 4 months without blogging, I realized how much I miss it!

April 7, 2009

I'm A Busy Queen Bee


I'm deeply sorry for the long hiatus.
I just got back from Majalaya District Hospital, then got rotation in post partum wards in Hasan Sadikin Hospital (with 3 times on-duty per week, and ward rounds every day) and now, in the midst of another killing rotation at Astana Anyar Hospital till the end of this week before shifted to Cibabat District Hospital for another week. Effing tiring!!!

I am now (too) ignored and restless of helping mothers in labor and delivery. No. Not because I don't enjoy it, but I just simply hate the midwifes here. They are simply the most stupid and arrogant human on earth!! I can't see why they were so snobbish about their rank and trying to look down on us, the doctors (to-be).  
Well you are only 'bidan'!! (lebih sikit je dari paraji (dukun bersalin), so what?) 
Not professor of 'bidan' or something equivalent to that! (eventhough i heard they have S3 for bidan here, total crappppppp!!!)

A total waste of time!

For now, enjoy this:

My latest obsession (not shoes or clothes, though. hi hi)


BaBy, would you come to mama?

P.S. I'll ranting more after this long haul O&G department has finished. xoxo

March 26, 2009

2 Days And No Less


I can't wait to go back to my room and my bed.
I'm not happy here, eventhough the number of patients are massive!

I want to go back now.
Like, NOW!

I miss my momo sooooooooooo soooooooooooooo much

March 22, 2009

Of Sacred Blood And New Life

Hey people.

Sorry for the late of updates.
Like I said, I will be very busy these 2 following months.

I'm actually updating from one of the very 'famous' district hospital in West Java.
Well yeah, at least famous for us all Universitas Padjadjaran-Rumah Sakit Hassan Sadikin students...

We will be placed here until the end of this week before we got shift to another district hospitals soon.
I just handled 2 cases ( helping the doctors of course!) of post-partum hemorrhage (bleeding after delivery), one with massive laceration of birth canal ( the vagina wall and perineum was severely torn), while the other one was with retention placenta (the mid wife did taking out the placenta manually and the bleeding stop. so yeay!)
As for now we have to observe these 2, as frequent as once in 15" (so we can't sleep! no yeah!)

Painstakingly, we have to confront the most fugliest resident/registra here!
He is the worst ever!EVER!!!

I miss momo, my baby and my bed....tsk tsk

March 14, 2009

Unbreak My Heart

Shopaholics and fashionistas!
This afternoon I saw a biker jacket just like Pumpkin selling (only RM100.00, sold out already and non restockable)  at MNG!!!!
You want to know the price?

Well yeah you're right!
At an effing RP 2,750,000 or approximately RM800.00!

Yes, the same.the very similar. every details.

Nadia, why Nadia? why?


Gendang Gendut Tali Kecapi

Aku tengah lapar masa menaip ni.
Nak dail number Pesan hantar  ke tak, nak ke tak, nak ke tak?
Tadi tengok gambar kat PVJ masa keluar dengan kawan-kawan perempuan aku, sangat tidak menyukai mukaku yang kelihatan tembam (gila) dan memenuhi kamera itu.
Dalam hati aku berkata "mesti kena diet ni, crash diet, atkin diet apa-apa dietla yang penting membuatkan aku kurus seperti Gisele (lagi-lagi gila!)

Tapi abah selalu pesan, kalau lapar makan lah. Pesan sahaja apa-apa yang diinginkan.
Baiklah. Lepas selesai menaip aku dail perkhidmatan pesan hantar (delivery), ya tuan puan sekalian.

Oh apa yang aku nak bagitahu adalah Seluar Ketat Kulit Berzip dengan Baju Renda aku tidak akan aku terima sampai aku tak tahu tarikhnya bila.
Sebab encik posmen kawasan Masjid Tanah, Melaka tidak menghantar sama sekali baju dan seluar ketat aku ke alamat yang sepatutnya iaitu alamat datuk nenek belahan jiwa aku!!!
Aku sangat dan amat kecewa dengan hal ini.
Encik Posmen, walaupun aku tahu kau mungkin malu untuk menghantar bungkusan aku kerana kebetulan ada kenduri di alamat tersebut, tapi itu kan kerja kau. Kau masuk jelah pagar rumah tu dan cakap kau nak hantar barang. Apa kau ingat orang akan cop kau muka datang nak makan percuma?????? Ke kau memang pemalas? Semua benda kau ambil senang hah? Terus kau tinggalkan di pejabat pos yang berdekatan? 

Aku bukanlah pertama kali membeli barang di internet, tapi sering juga barang-barang aku diperlekehkan seolah-olah aku tidak membayar wang pos!!

Sekarang, siapa yang susah?
Atuk kepada belahan jiwa aku yang harus mengambil bungkusan aku.
kalau dia tahu apa ada dalam bungkusan malu, jatuh imej aku sebagai bakal cucu yang berkaliber. OH TIDAK!

Bungkusan Shea ke rumah aku pun diperlakukan macam itu juga. Senang-senang kau je meninggalkan semua bungkusan di pejabat pos. Kalau macam tu, tak perlulah orang bagi alamat rumah. Baik bagi alamat pejabat pos terdekat je.


Jadi sudahnya aku tak dapat nak tayang seluar ketat kulit berzip dengan baju renda aku sebab aku takkan dapat sampai belahan jiwa aku balik kampung lagi. Agaknye masa tu seluar ketat aku dah jadi tak ketat sebab aku dah kurus, huh (sah, dia ni gila!)

Dah, aku nak dail perkhidmatan pesan hantar

P.S. Seluar Ketat Kulit Berzip = Zippy Leather Leggings